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I am a bit worry... [http://kjukken.dk/forum/viewtopic.php?TopicID=4302]

Apr 20, 2007 Kl. 12:48 PM
I am a bit worry...

Dear Allesammen, ciao from BRELUSTE dk..
I notest that in the site "midnigthblues band", (that as you know for sure is the band where Søren Berlev play), for 3 times they canncel the concert in 3 differents place, becouse of sickness.
I know Søren personally, and I think is him that is sick.
am worry for ours little "drummen"..
Maybye somebody know what happen to him?
Please let me know!


Michael Jensen 
Apr 20, 2007 Kl. 01:41 PM
Re: I am a bit worry...

If you know Søren Personally, it surprises me that you dont know if he is sick.

Til sagen: Så vidt jeg har hørt er det Petze der er syg.

Apr 21, 2007 Kl. 10:54 AM
Re: I am a bit worry...

Ciao e thank´s for your reply...
Yes I know Søren..but is a long story..
Anyway thank you one more time...

Ciao from BRELUSTE dk

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