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Re: Hvad er den bedste sang på Weekend Music [http://kjukken.dk/forum/viewtopic.php?TopicID=5698]

Mar 20, 2009 Kl. 01:19 PM
Re: Hvad er den bedste sang på Weekend Music

Slaske wrote:
Søjlediagrammet taler for sig selv og jeg kan ikke være mere enig. Det er en fed melodi og tekst!

Show me the alley
show me the train
show me the hobo
who sleeps out in the rain
And I'll show you a young man
with so many reasons why
there but for fortune
go you and I, you and I

Show me the whisky
stains on the floor
show me the why no
has stumbles out the door
And I'll show you a young man
with so many reasons why
there but for fortune
go you and I, you and I

Show me the country
where the bombs had to fall
show me what's left of
the buildings once so tall
And I'll show you a young man
with so many reasons why
there but for fortune
go you and I, you and I

Ja den tekst er fuld af eftertanke.

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