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Aug 10, 2008 Kl. 03:14 AM
Dennis Espantman

Intervju med Dennis Espantman
New York City 25 Januari 2001

Hej igen Dennis!

Tack för att du sände mig er nya CD!
Jag har lyssnat igenom den och det låter helt OK!

Jag såg på omslaget att Abe Speller spelar trummor på några spår?

Yes Abe played great as always, he has the most relaxed groove there is, and
he's so intuitive about what will make the song swing in just the right way!!

Vad sysslar Joe Delia med nuförtiden?

Joe has a studio in his home and has become quite successful composing music
for films. He has recently expressed interest in us doing some music
together, but nothing has developed yet.

Jag har en videoinspelning "Kim Larsen & Jungle dreams - Live in Paris"
Det är en störtskön konsert ni gör där! Särskilt versionerna av "Donnez-moi du feu",
"Time bomb" och "Jungle dreams"!

I've never seen that video!! I would love to have a copy. Is there any way
that would be possible?

Jag skulle vilja ställa dig några frågor om din tid med Jungle dreams,
hoppas att du vill svara kort på dem.

Hur mötte du Kim Larsen?

It was Joe Delia who approached me about recording the "Sittn' on a Time
Bomb" album. I auditioned for Kim and Joe and it was magic right from the
start! The album came out so well that Kim asked us all to become his
touring band - we agreed and the rest is a lttle bit of history!

Vad var målsättningen med bandet?

Simply to make music - Of course we all wanted to be successful, but, the
music always came first ( right up there with the girls -:)

Fanns det många låtar ni spelade in som aldrig kom med på skiva?

There we're a few songs that didn't make it on record - I'm not sure what
ever become of thse recordings - I wouldn't mind hearing them someday.

Blev någon låt någon US hit?

In a word..............No!! Although the album received great reviews from
some critics here, there was no promotional support ($$) from Epic records,
who released it here in the States. As a result, a good record just sat on
the shelves of the record stores.

Vilken konsert tycker du var den bästa ni gjorde med Jungle dreams?

I guess the epitome was in Goteborg as the opening act for the Rolling Stones
in 82'. Those were the last concerts we ever did with Kim. We also did some
warm up shows in New York City, of which I the " The Ritz " was the best.

Hur upplevde ni amerikaner Folkets Park i Sverige?
(Du kommer ihåg små danställena i skogarna och småstäderna)

The Folkets Parks were great fun - outdoors with up to 5000 people going
wild. We broke attendance records for quite a few on our tours.

Till sist: vilken låt tycker du att Jungle drems spelade bäst live?

For me it was "Til' Tomorrow" that captured the raw energy and vitality
blended with the solid execution, and strong song writing that we were
capable of. Many of the songs still ring in my ears, even after all these

Thanks for your interest! By the way, I'm not sure if you know, but Ricky
Blakemore (guitarist) was killed in an auto accident shortly after we
returned from our last tour with Kim. We will cherish his memory and miss
him always,


Kindest regards,

Dennis Espantman

Bilder från Norrköping 1982:


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