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Re: Gasolin Dvdén [http://kjukken.dk/forum/viewtopic.php?TopicID=3727]

Okt 05, 2006 Kl. 05:28 PM
Re: Gasolin Dvdén

Killing Time wrote:
Til Slaske jeg unskylder for den dumme tone var bare i rigtigt dærligt humør den da sådan kan det jo gå.... IKKE

What about closing this string it is an invitation for making fun of peoples small
problems with the Danish languish. Killing Time it is no shame to have problem
with spelling. In Denmark there is around 250.000 to 300.000 with dyslexic.
So Killing Time you are not alone. I don’t write in Danish because nobody understand
what I am trying to tell when I am writing in Danish and it gives me problems to

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