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Kim larsens godin guitar [http://kjukken.dk/forum/viewtopic.php?TopicID=3485]

Jun 07, 2006 Kl. 10:03 PM
Kim larsens godin guitar

multiac nylon sa, synth modellen fra Godin sælges her:


Halvakustisk, Godin multiac nylon sa, synth, Mahogany neck
Ebony Fingerboard
16" fingerboard radius
25 1/2" Scale
1 7/8" nut width
Chambered Mahogany body
Solid Spruce Top
Custom RMC electronics with 13-pin connector for direct control of Roland GR Series and Axon AX100 guitar synths
Natural Semi-Gloss or Natural High-Gloss finish.
Samme som Kim Larsen spiller på. Ring og hør nærmere. pris kan forhandles

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