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Re: There But For Fortune - Joan Baez [http://kjukken.dk/forum/viewtopic.php?TopicID=3064]

Feb 16, 2006 Kl. 05:16 PM
Re: There But For Fortune - Joan Baez

Phil's comments about this song from Sing Out:

"Based on the saying, 'There but for the grace of God,' the song was written while driving to Lincoln, Nebraska. This is one of the few cases in which I had the melody written first and was able to write the words in less than ten minutes.

"Living on Bleecker Street in Greenwich Village, I am constantly reminded of the meaning of the song. The original lyrics were improved through the comments of Jean Ray of the singing group, Jim and Jean."

There are some live records of Phil introducing this song as being written by Joan Baez... this is a joke; Phil did write it.

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